Research- IT

       The second opening to a horror movie I watched was the rebooted version of the original 1990 IT. The rebooted version, IT, was filmed this year in 2017 and had a budget of $35 million dollars. It made more than $123.4 million dollars opening weekend in the box office. This movie holds the record for the biggest debut for a horror film in history. This new movie however has not been nominated for any awards, it may be in the future.

                    The opening scene shows Bill, one of the main characters, making his younger brother, Georgie, a paper boat. He tells Georgie to get the wax from the cellar and then Georgie then questions if he really has to go down there, one can tell he is scared of the cellar. Georgie then, take a walkie-talkie down with him to the cellar. He makes his way down stairs and stops at the top of the stairs leading down to the cellar, Bill then comes in on the walkie-talkie telling him to hurry up. Georgie tries the light switch, but surprise, it doesn't work. Georgie overcomes his fear and makes his way down the stairs tryig to find the wax for his boat fast. When he finds the wax, he turns around and sees what looks like eyes, he gets frightened and points his flashlight towards it, it disappears.

       The camera angles used in the opening two minutes of the horror film consisted of multiple camera shots.The first one used was a close-up, it showed Bill's hands taking out paper to make the paper boat for Georgie, and then follows up of Bill's hand continuing to make the boat. It then goes to over the shoulder shots as Bill and Georgie have a conversation about the wax for the boat. Then the camera pans and follows Georgie as he is walking towards the door. It pans again as Georgie makes it downstairs and walks past his mother and towards the cellar door. This shot shows where the non-digestic sound is coming from. Its coming from their mother who is playing the piano, and now the sound we hear becomes digestic sound. As Georgie is at the door, there is a close up of his face, showing us his emotions as he walks into the dark, looming door leading down to the frightening cellar. They use the pan again to catch him coming down the stairs, and the sound they use if the interference of the walkie-talkie from Bill upstairs, we then get another pan following Bill as he paces his room. The camera pans the dark room when Georgie is down the stairs and the pans again to follow him to where the wax is. We then get close-ups and still shots of Georgie and old statues on the shelves. The we have a point of view camera angle when he sees the two shining dots, which we can debunk are eyes. We have a wide shot when he pulls out the flashlight. Then finally we have a final pan and high angle camera angle tat follows Georgie as he runs up the stairs.

       In the opening credits, the actors are listed first in a maximum group of three and all the credits are in the bottom left corner. After the actors are listed, the casting director is listed followed by the costume designer, the music heads, editors and then the producers. The last names listed are the directors. 
