Project Selection- Magazine

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       Some aspects of journalism that interest me based on experiences in class is that journalists have the ability to spread the truth and their voices to a very large audience. All President's Men was really eyeopening to me because I never really thought about the journalists determined to expose Nixon. I    only learned that Nixon abused his power as President and resigned before he could be impeached. It amazed me how Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein strove to get the truth and facts about the story. The same goes for the T.V. show The Newsroom. The journalists in the news-network have to go out and use their connections to get credible sources to back up their stories. Some skills that I posses that might help me with the magazine option for the exam project is that I know how to use Microsoft. I also have connections around the city, so if I needed a credible source to back up by article, I'd have one. Some of the things that I would find challenging is that I wouldn't really have the ability to be creative. The magazine's outline is a set template on what you need on each paper, I wouldn't really be able to put my own personality into it.
