Film Production: (Scouting First Scene Location)

Chloe and I scouted the areas that we plan on using in our film.

The first on site location we plan on using is my front yard. We are currently building a play-gym above the overflow river that goes through my front yard. This will be the location of the first few scenes of the film. The Jaxon will wonder over to another place in my yard that is closer to the water, filled with more foliage.

View from playhouse. The angle that Jaxon is going to be looking in when he first hears the voice.

This is a shot that we are thinking about making. It's through the trees to show that something is watching the kids play, more specifically Jaxon.

This is the image of the runoff river in my front yard that Jaxon is going to go near to find the mysterious voice.

When you get further down, there is a lot more foliage, so it can look as if its a dangerous place for a little kid to be going.
