Midterm Feedback

       My partner and I presented of midterm draft to our classes and got mixed feedback. Some of the good things we did were the choice of our actors, we portrayed the innocents of children very well and we portrayed the great curiosity of kids. Our classmates also said that the dark lighting and dim colors really helped with the overall feel of the film.

       However, there were a couple of missed marks regarding the production of the film. We had a plot hole when our main character, Jaxon, went from the hidden waterway to the school. We put a transition that insinuated that time had passed, but the audience didn't understand what was happening. Another problem was that our camera movement was shaky, our tripod was not the best and the audience could hear the squeaking of the camera on top pf the tripod. Another issue that was brought up is that the film was moving too slow. One could already guess that something was going to happen to the young boy and they had to wait 2 minutes to see any action.

       My partner and I met up after I presented, and came up with revisions. We created a whole new script with a different plot-line and new characters. The same main actor will be used, but the audience will now be seeing the actual monster patronizing its prey. Through the duration of the film, there will be a plot twist that hopefully will be more appealing to the audience and surprises them.
