Distribution Research #3: "Carrie"


       "Carrie" was filmed in 2013 starring Chloe Grace Moretz and Julianne Moore. This movie was a reboot of the original film "Carrie" shot in 1976. It is based on yet another Stephen King classic novel. The film follows an outcast teenage girl named Carrie who is bullied and has telekinetic powers. As the movie progresses, she utilizes her power more and more until finally they get the best of her, and she uses them for vengeance.

       This movies target audience would be teenagers to young adults as the movie follows a young teenage girl who is in high school. The audience would be able to connect with the character since the same age range. The movie also has the theme of religiousness, meaning demonic possession (this is how Carrie gets her powers). This would be the theme that would associate with the young adult audiences as well as the teenage age group.

    The marketing team did a stunt called "Call Carrie". A phone number was shown at the end of "Carrie" trailers, and if one of the viewers dialed that number, the voice answering would be Carrie. Not only would "carrie pick up the phone when a person called, but "Carrie" continues to call the person that dialed, having eery sounds and noises. This created an even more realistic set up for audiences and created more buzz about the movie.

       The most popular and televised advertisement that the advertising team did was they created a "movie-like" situation in a local Manhattan coffee shop. They staged the coffee shop with lighting and wires to mimic one of the scenes from the movie. The actors in the coffee shop (a young girl and man) would reenact the scene, mimicking Carrie's telekinetic powers by utilizing wires and lighting to thrust a "stranger" up a wall by the neck. making it seem like the young girl actor has powers. Not only did the marketing team do this stunt in other coffee shops, but by doing this, teenagers on social media began sharing this stunt all over the internet, further advertising the movie free from the expense of the movie budget.

      The marketing technique was overall effective in reaching its target audience.
