Feedback: Third quarter submission

       The reaction to the new and updated film was a lot more positive than the first one. People really loved seeing the demonic being in action when making its kill. They thought the overall flow of the film was great and they could follow the plot easier than the first submission. They noticed the symbolism I utilized in mise-en-scene with both the young boy and the demons costuming. The young boy's shirt was white to symbolize the purity and innocence of children, and the demon was seen killing the innocent to take it for herself.
       My film ends at about a minute thirty-six seconds which leaves a lot to be desired. One of the comments made was that the young boy at the beginning hears this voice the first time and automatically decides to investigate, it was too quick with no suspense build up. So, to utilize the work that we did before in the first film we made, we will take the first minute and a half to build suspense.
